This workshop will offer clinicians with the knowledge and skills to effectively treat obsessive-compulsive disorder using a comprehensive cognitive behavioral therapy approach to maximize gains. Clinicians will learn how to diagnose, functionally target, assess, monitor and treat the heterogeneous symptoms that comprise OCD using psychoeducation, cognitive restructuring, exposure, and response prevention.
Professionals and students interested in building and deepening understanding of CBT principles in practice. The application is currently pending to provide 6 Continuing Education Credit Hours by the National Association of Social Workers, CT and meets the continuing education criteria for Social Work Licensure renewal, Marriage & Family Therapist Licensure renewal, Professional Counselor Licensure renewal and Licensed Psychologist Licensure renewal. CBC is conditionally approved to offer CEs to NY Social Workers and will provide 6 CEs for this training.
Note: The date for this training has not yet been scheduled. If you would like to be notified about CBC training opportunities, please sign up for our email list.