OCD is a common diagnosis. It has been found that one out of every forty people will have OCD at some point during his/her lifetime. People with OCD vary widely in their personality characteristics and ability to function in their everyday lives. Yet, the disorder can cause make it difficult for them to function effectively. For example, people spend many hours of the day carrying out rituals, which interferes with their job or caring for their family.
Although it is common for many people to have some obsessions, people who develop OCD have thoughts are more frequent, intense, and cause more distress. Most experts agree that OCD is caused by a combination of genetic, neurobiological, environmental, and psychological factors.
CBT has been shown to extremely effective for the treatment of OCD. Research shows that 65-75% of individuals are substantially improved following treatment, and stay well for many years without continued treatment. Given that OCD is often misdiagnosed, and because other conditions and medications may bring on obsessions and compulsions, a careful evaluation is necessary to confirm a diagnosis of OCD. A comprehensive evaluation is also necessary because OCD, even if present, commonly occurs with other conditions. Based on a comprehensive evaluation, CBC clinicians will design an individualized treatment plan that may combine treatment strategies for panic and other conditions.
CBC offers evidence-based treatments for OCD that are drawn from the work done by Edna Foa, John March, Lata McGinn, Paul Salkovskis, and others, and include the following components:
Please click here for more information about our OCD 4-Day Intensive Program for Adolescents
Please contact our Director of Intake Services at 212-595-9559 (ext.1) or 914-385-1150 (ext.1), or fill out the form above, with any questions regarding eligibility, for further information, or to make a referral. If you are a current patient at CBC, please speak to your individual therapist to see how this group may be of added benefit to you.